Pieter Dubordieu, Dutch (active Leiden and Amsterdam), born 1609-10, still active 1678 -- Portrait of Jeanne de Planque
Pieter Dubordieu, Dutch (active Leiden and Amsterdam), born 1609-10, still active 1678
Portrait of Jeanne de Planque

Pieter Dubordieu, Dutch (active Leiden and Amsterdam), born 1609-10, still active 1678 -- Portrait of Jeanne de Planque

Pieter Dubordieu, Dutch (active Leiden and Amsterdam), born 1609-10, still active 1678 -- Portrait of Jeanne de Planque

Pieter Dubordieu, Dutch (active Leiden and Amsterdam), born 1609-10, still active 1678 -- Portrait of Jeanne de Planque

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