Unknown - The Hon. Herman Allen Moore, ca. 1844
The Hon. Herman Allen Moore, ca. 1844

Unknown - The Hon. Herman Allen Moore, ca. 1844

Unknown - The Hon. Herman Allen Moore, ca. 1844

Unknown - The Hon. Herman Allen Moore, ca. 1844

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| Nicolas Poussin4 | Honore Daumier-Le Nouveau Paris Comme c est heureux pour les gens presses qu on ait elargi les voies de communication | Zurbaran, Francisco de-Hercules luchando con Anteo-136 cm x 153 cm | MANNERISM PAINTING 16TH -- Allori,Alessandro | Master of Liesborn - Head of Christ Crucified | Sir Anthony Deane by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt | David Teniers the Younger - Peasants playing Bowls outside a Village Inn | Le Fortin | Rizi, Fray Juan Andres-La cena de San Benito-185 cm x 216 cm | Verschuur, Wouter (1812-1874) -- Tafereel uit de Tiendaagse Veldtocht tegen de in opstand gekomen Belgen, augustus 1831 | HOME |