attributed to Francesco Allegrini--The Judgment of Solomon
attributed to Francesco Allegrini
The Judgment of Solomon

attributed to Francesco Allegrini--The Judgment of Solomon

attributed to Francesco Allegrini--The Judgment of Solomon

attributed to Francesco Allegrini--The Judgment of Solomon

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| Massys, Cornelys-Descanso en la Huida a Egipto-68 cm x 112 cm | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-FEMME LISANT | Paul Cezanne029 | Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun -- Peace leads Abundance | Claude Monet 053 (4) | Lemaire, Jean-remita orando entre ruinas clasicas-163 cm x 241,5 cm | Hubert Robert--Figures in a Roman Arcade | Velde, Willem van de (II) -- Het kanonschot, 1680 | aelbert cuyp029 | Paul Klee90 | HOME |