Anonimo (Estilo de Recco, Giuseppe)-Bodegon de flores, aves y vaso de cristal-47 cm x 40 cm
Anonimo (Estilo de Recco, Giuseppe)-Bodegon de flores, aves y vaso de cristal-47 cm x 40 cm

Anonimo (Estilo de Recco, Giuseppe)-Bodegon de flores, aves y vaso de cristal-47 cm x 40 cm

Anonimo (Estilo de Recco, Giuseppe)-Bodegon de flores, aves y vaso de cristal-47 cm x 40 cm

Anonimo (Estilo de Recco, Giuseppe)-Bodegon de flores, aves y vaso de cristal-47 cm x 40 cm

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| Nicolaes Berchem - A Peasant playing a Hurdy-Gurdy to a Woman and Child | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn098 | Paul Cezanne, French, 1839-1906 -- Still Life with a Dessert | Andrea di Bartolo, Italian (active Siena), first documented 1389, died 1428 -- Virgin and Child Enthroned | Claude Monet 043 (2) | Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de-Perro semihundido-131 cm x 79 cm | Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den -- De woede van Ahasverus, 1640-1724 | Anders Zorn017 | Courbet, Gustave -- Landschap met rotsen en waterval, 1872 | Thomas Eakins, American, 1844-1916 -- William Rush Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River | HOME |