Scipione Pulzone (before 1550-1598) -- Bianca Cappello
Scipione Pulzone (before 1550-1598)
Bianca Cappello

Scipione Pulzone (before 1550-1598) -- Bianca Cappello

Scipione Pulzone (before 1550-1598) -- Bianca Cappello

Scipione Pulzone (before 1550-1598) -- Bianca Cappello

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| John Constable, English, 1776-1837 -- Road to the Spaniards, Hampstead | Amigoni, Jacopo-Zenon de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, marques de la Ensenada-124 cm x 104 cm | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas080 | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and Workshop--Geometry | Anders Zorn037 | Pierre Courteys - The rape of Helen, after 1550 | Louis Michel Eilshemius--New York at Night | Reni, Guido -- Slapende putto, 1627-1700 | Albert Bierstadt (171) | Raimundo Madrazo - Salida del baile de mascaras | HOME |