Ambrosius Benson - The Holy Family and Saint John Baptist
Ambrosius Benson
The Holy Family and Saint John Baptist

Ambrosius Benson - The Holy Family and Saint John Baptist

Ambrosius Benson - The Holy Family and Saint John Baptist

Ambrosius Benson - The Holy Family and Saint John Baptist

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| Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida107 | Rizi, Fray Juan Andres-San Benito bendiciendo el pan-168 cm x 148 cm | George Luks (1867-1933)-Telling Fortunes | Slabbaert, Karel -- Het ontbijt, 1640-1654 | Zanobi Strozzi - The Annunciation | Sir Frederic Leighton, English, 1830-1896 -- Portrait of a Roman Lady (La Nanna) | Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille -- La dame en bleu-Lady in blue | John Earle from NPG | Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French, 1841-1919 -- Woman with a Guitar | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo--Zephyr and Flora | HOME |