Auguste de Peellaert - Bridge in Hersberg
Auguste de Peellaert
Bridge in Hersberg

Auguste de Peellaert - Bridge in Hersberg

Auguste de Peellaert - Bridge in Hersberg

Auguste de Peellaert - Bridge in Hersberg

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| Liberale da Verona--The Chess Players | Haes, Carlos de-Picos de Europa-19 cm x 43 cm | Masaccio - The Virgin and Child | Jan Steen, Dutch (active Leiden, Haarlem, and The Hague), 1625-26-1679 -- As the Old Ones Sing, So the Young Ones Pipe | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo--Seated Satyr Holding a Garland (2) | Fountain in the Garden of Saint-Paul Hospital | Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) -- Return of the Prodigal Son | Scheggia (Giovanni di Ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai), Italian (active Florence and environs), 1406-1486 -- Portrait of a Lady | Both, Jan -- Italiaans landschap met de Ponte Molle, 1640-1652 | Giovanni Battista Piranesi - Diverse maniere d adornare i cammini, Rome, Salomoni, 1769 | HOME |