Edmond Van Hove - Historia - Tempus - Legenda M
Edmond Van Hove
Legenda M

Edmond Van Hove - Historia - Tempus - Legenda M

Edmond Van Hove - Historia - Tempus - Legenda M

Edmond Van Hove - Historia - Tempus - Legenda M

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| Still Life with Decanter and Lemons on a Plate | Anonimo-El cardenal don Pedro de Mendoza orando ante San Pedro-82 cm x 104 cm | Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones - Musical Angel, 1878-1896 | Theodore Gericault -- Sighting of the distant Argus | Titian -- Diana and Callisto | JOSEPH CHRISTIAN- (62) | Franz Seraph von Lenbach (1836-1904) --Prince Otto von Bismarck | Teniers, Abraham-Un cuerpo de guardia-49 cm x 68 cm-2 | Hans Baldung Grien - The Trinity and Mystic Pieta | A Garden in Provence | HOME |