John Constable--Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop Grounds
John Constable
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop Grounds

John Constable--Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop Grounds

John Constable--Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop Grounds

John Constable--Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop Grounds

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| Goya--Waking from Sleep in the Open Air, from Images | Hieronymus Bosch (08) | Peasant Woman Digging56 | Bernardo Daddi--Christ Enthroned with Saints | Massys, Cornelys-Descanso en la Huida a Egipto-68 cm x 112 cm | Claude Monet 146 | King George I by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt | Claude Monet 082 (2) | Peter Paul Rubens709 | Peter Paul Rubens351 | HOME |