John Frederick Kensett--October in the Marshes
John Frederick Kensett
October in the Marshes

John Frederick Kensett--October in the Marshes

John Frederick Kensett--October in the Marshes

John Frederick Kensett--October in the Marshes

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| Mary Cassatt93 | Follower of Jacopo Tintoretto - The Nativity | Imitator of Jacob van Ruisdael - A Castle on a Hill by a River | Vos, Cornelis de-Apolo persiguiendo a Dafne-193 cm x 207 cm | Dyck, Antonio van-San Francisco de Asis en extasis-123 cm x 105,5 cm | Sir Thomas Lawrence128 | Claude Monet 088 | Frederic Leighton (84) | nude1932 | Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex from NPG (2) | HOME |