Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de-Josefa Coello de Portugal-185 cm x 117 cm
Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de-Josefa Coello de Portugal-185 cm x 117 cm

Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de-Josefa Coello de Portugal-185 cm x 117 cm

Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de-Josefa Coello de Portugal-185 cm x 117 cm

Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de-Josefa Coello de Portugal-185 cm x 117 cm

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| Peter Paul Rubens29 | Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) -- July | Albrecht Durer --Madonna with the Pear | Piero della Francesca - The Baptism of Christ | Dudley Carleton, Viscount Dorchester by Michiel Jansz- | aelbert cuyp07 | Carducho, Vicente-Muerte de Landuino en los calabozos-337,5 cm x 297,5 cm | Giotto -- Saint Francis Preaching to the Birds | Jonas Umbach--November (one of a series representing the labors | Dyck, Antonio van-El conde Enrique de Bergh-114 cm x 100 cm | HOME |