Francesco Bartolozzi by John Opie
Francesco Bartolozzi by John Opie

Francesco Bartolozzi by John Opie

Francesco Bartolozzi by John Opie

Francesco Bartolozzi by John Opie

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| Abraham de Pape - Tobit and Anna | Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)-Entrance to the Public Gardens in Arle | Alenza y Nieto, Leonardo-El triunfo de Baco-38 cm x 45,5 cm | Woman sewing | Gerbrand van den Eeckhout - Group Portrait | Vincent van Gogh - Sunflowers - VGM F458 | Italian, Umbrian - A Bishop Saint | William P. Chappel--Infant Funeral Procession | Celebrano, Francesco-Monteria-121 cm x 154 cm | Martin Rico Ortega A Summer Day on the Seine | HOME |