Maurice Brazil Prendergast--Picnic by the Inlet
Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Picnic by the Inlet

Maurice Brazil Prendergast--Picnic by the Inlet

Maurice Brazil Prendergast--Picnic by the Inlet

Maurice Brazil Prendergast--Picnic by the Inlet

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Michael Dahl--Portrait of a Woman | Mengs, Anton Rafael-Leopoldo de Lorena, gran duque de Toscana-98 cm x 78 cm | Paul Gauguin79 | Rotari, Pietro -- Een jonge vrouw, 1756-1762 | King Charles II in Boscobel Wood by Isaac Fuller | Tiziano, Vecellio di Gregorio-Ecce Homo-69 cm x 56 cm | Antoine Le Nain (c. 1588-1648), Louis Le Nain (c. 1593-1648) or Mathieu Le Nain (1607-1677) -- The Forge | Thomas Doughty--On the Hudson | Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens--Saint Teresa of avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory | Giovanni Baronzio - Adoration of the Magi, Crucifixion and Seven Saints, c. 1345 | HOME |