Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by John Jackson
Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by John Jackson

Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by John Jackson

Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by John Jackson

Frederick, Duke of York and Albany by John Jackson

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| Claude Monet 037 (3) | Murillo, Bartolome Esteban-San Agustin entre Cristo y la Virgen-274 cm x 195 cm | Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) -- The Dead Bird, or A Child Hesitating to Touch a Bird | Giordano, Luca - Lot embriagado por sus hijas, Ca. 1695 | Bertholet Flemal -- Sacrifice of Iphigenia | John Singer Sargent--Madame X (Madame Pierre Gautreau) | Lorenzo Monaco -- Culture Florentine | Lola de Valence | Michiel Sweerts--Man Holding a Jug | Johan Barthold Jongkind - Windmolen bij Delft | HOME |