North Italian Painter--Two Angels
North Italian Painter
Two Angels

North Italian Painter--Two Angels

North Italian Painter--Two Angels

North Italian Painter--Two Angels

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Jacopo di Antonio (Master of Pratovecchio) - Left Pilaster of an Altarpiece | John Constable (9) | Henry Inman - No-Tin | John Constable116 | Paul Klee79 | Alma-Tadema025 | Edwin Sandys Cicely Sandys (nee Wilford) from NPG | Adam Frans van der Meulen -- Defeat of the Spanish army near the Bruges Canal | Anonimo-El Pecado Original. Pintura mural de la ermita de la Vera Cruz de Maderuelo-203 cm x 207 cm | Formerly attributed to copy after Honore Daumier--Man Dreaming | HOME |