Gerard David - The Baptism of Christ R
Gerard David
The Baptism of Christ R

Gerard David - The Baptism of Christ R

Gerard David - The Baptism of Christ R

Gerard David - The Baptism of Christ R

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| Auguste Renoir--Two Young Girls at the Piano | Adriaenssen, Alexander-Bodegon liebre, pajaros muertos y pescados-60 cm x 91 cm | Pieneman, Nicolaas -- De slag bij Boutersem, 12 augustus 1831 | Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Baciccio, 1639-1709) -- Sermon of Saint John the Baptist | Paul Gauguin37 | Diest, Johan van -- Anna Margaretha van Petcum (1676-1745) | Chardin Jean-Baptiste-Simeon60 | Sir William Quiller Orchardson by Henry Weigall | Honore Daumier--Two Male Heads | Maino, Fray Juan Bautista-Pentecostes-324 cm x 246 cm | HOME |