William Dunlap--Mrs. John Adams Conant
William Dunlap
Mrs. John Adams Conant

William Dunlap--Mrs. John Adams Conant

William Dunlap--Mrs. John Adams Conant

William Dunlap--Mrs. John Adams Conant

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| PIERRE BONNARD-FLEURS SUR UNE CHEMINEE | Balthasar van der Ast - Flowers in a Vase with Shells and Insects | Edvard Munch22 | Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex by Guy Head | Claude Monet 114 | Attributed to Cornelis van Dalem, Netherlandish (active Antwerp), first documented 1545, died 1573 -- A Knight, Death, and the Devil | attributed to Paolo Uccello -- Portraits of Five Florentine Artists | Venus and Cupid | Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti-Ester ante Asuero-59 cm x 203 cm | Victor Louis Mottez -- Henri Mottez as a child (1858-1937) | HOME |