After Wallerant Vaillant - A Boy seated Drawing
After Wallerant Vaillant
A Boy seated Drawing

After Wallerant Vaillant - A Boy seated Drawing

After Wallerant Vaillant - A Boy seated Drawing

After Wallerant Vaillant - A Boy seated Drawing

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| Pacheco, Francisco-Santa Ines-103 cm x 44 cm | John Durand--Boy of the Crossfield Family (Possibly Richard Crossfield) | Head of a Girl 2 | Sir Joshua Reynolds, English, 1723-1792 -- Portrait of Lady Mary O Brien (later 3rd Countess of Orkney) | Niccolo di Liberatore - Christ on the Cross, and Other Scenes | Giordano, Luca-Carlos II-66 cm x 56 cm | Netherlandish - Portrait of a Bearded Man | Adolph Menzel NC002 | Theodore Chasseriau -- Father Dominique Lacordaire of the Dominican Order | Jan Havicksz Steen - Samson and Delilah | HOME |