Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin
Agnolo Gaddi
The Coronation of the Virgin

Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin

Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin

Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin

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| Attributed to Jacopo Bassano--The Annunciation to the Shepherds | Bartholomeus Bruyn the Elder - A Man, probably of the Strauss Family | Guariento di Arpo--Madonna and Child | Pascin (1885-1930)-Americaine Endormie | Carlo Crivelli - The Vision of the Blessed Gabriele | Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684 - 1721) (French)-Two Figure Studies of | Henri Matisse--Reflection in the Mirror | Luca Signorelli - The Adoration of the Shepherds II | Frans Floris the elder -- Messenger of the Rhetoricians Guild | Peter Paul Rubens697 | HOME |