Michael Ancher - Nils Hansteen
Michael Ancher
Nils Hansteen

Michael Ancher - Nils Hansteen

Michael Ancher - Nils Hansteen

Michael Ancher - Nils Hansteen

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Anonimo-Velero y barca de pescadores frente a la costa-41 cm x 60 cm | Arcimboldo,Giuseppe -- Winter, allegory | Jonas Umbach--August (one of a series representing the labors | Sassetta - Saint Francis renounces his Earthly Father | Auguste Renoir - Landscape between Storms | Anders Zorn130 | Paul Serusier - The Talisman | Jacob Eichholtz, American, 1776-1842 -- Dorothea | Large Plane Trees (The Road Menders) | Jacopo di Cione and workshop - The Coronation of the Virgin - Central Main Tier Panel | HOME |