Bernardino Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels
Bernardino Bergognone
The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Bernardino Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Bernardino Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Bernardino Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Anonimo-Guirnalda con florecillas y setas y escena de brujeria-63 cm x 48 cm | PIERRE BONNARD-FEMME DANS UN INTERIEUR | Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, French, 1796-1875 -- Wooded Path near Ville d Avray | Gustave Moreau -- Helen on the Walls of Troy | Edgar Degas--A Jockey on His Horse | Claude Monet 054 (3) | Bachiacca--Leda and the Swan | Winslow Homer--A Basket of Clams | Maestro de Perea-La Visitacion-176 cm x 155 cm | Florine Stettheimer - Portrait of My Aunt, Caroline Walter Neustadter, 1928 | HOME |