Dirk Bouts - The Virgin and Child
Dirk Bouts
The Virgin and Child

Dirk Bouts - The Virgin and Child

Dirk Bouts - The Virgin and Child

Dirk Bouts - The Virgin and Child

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Vicomte de Barde Leroy -- Greek and Etruscan vases | Pot with Azalea, 1927 | Jacopo di Cione and workshop - The Coronation of the Virgin - Central Main Tier Panel | Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) -- July | Haes, Carlos de-Cercanias de Madrid-220 cm x 170 cm | Carrying the Cross | Jan Vermeer van Haarlem - A Farmstead by the Dunes | Ilya Yafimovich Repin46 | Le Brun, Charles -- Portrait of Louis XIV | Sebastiano del Piombo - The Raising of Lazarus | HOME |