Pieter Claeissens de Jonge - Allegory of the 1577 Peace in the Low Countries
Pieter Claeissens de Jonge
Allegory of the 1577 Peace in the Low Countries

Pieter Claeissens de Jonge - Allegory of the 1577 Peace in the Low Countries

Pieter Claeissens de Jonge - Allegory of the 1577 Peace in the Low Countries

Pieter Claeissens de Jonge - Allegory of the 1577 Peace in the Low Countries

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| Rubens, Pedro Pablo-Ninfas y satiros-139,7 cm x 167 cm | Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) -- Jules Hardouin-Mansart | Child Head | Auguste Renoir--Young Girl in a Pink-and-Black Hat | Anonimo-Vista del Real Sitio de Aranjuez-103 cm x 216 cm | Inside Courtyard, Seville | Nooms, Reinier -- Gezicht op Algiers met de Ruyters schip De Liefde, 1662 | John Hoppner--Richard Humphreys, the Boxer | Francisco Goya y Lucientes, de - La fragua | Domenichino-Aparicion de los angeles a San Jeronimo-184 cm x 129 cm | HOME |