Edward Burne-Jones (026)
Edward Burne-Jones (026)

Edward Burne-Jones (026)

Edward Burne-Jones (026)

Edward Burne-Jones (026)

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| PIERRE BONNARD-LE BALCON ET L OMBRELLE | Gonzales Coques - Family Portrait in a Landscape, 17th century | Alessandro Magnasco - Three Camaldolese Monks in Ecstatic Prayer | Wheat Field2 | Govaert Flinck -- Annunciation to the Shepherds | Nicolas Poussin -- Orpheus and Euridice | Anonimo-Magdalena Ruiz-50 cm x 40 cm | Marco Zoppo -- Madonna and Child surrounded by eight angels | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn081 | Weyden, Roger van der-La Piedad-46,8 cm x 34,5 cm | HOME |