Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist
Giorgio Schiavone
Saint John the Baptist

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist

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| Nani, Mariano-Bodegon de caza- perdiz, ganso y otras aves-72 cm x 48 cm | Vincenzo Foppa, Italian (active Milan), born 1427- 30, died 1515-16 -- Portrait of an Elderly Gentleman | Carducho, Vicente-Vision del papa Victor III-335,5 cm x 296,5 cm | Eilif Peterssen - From the Beach at Sele | Alfred Sisley093 | Woman with black tie | Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti-Jose y la mujer de Putifar-54 cm x 117 cm | La berceuse (Portrait of Madame Roulin) (December 1888 - January 1889) | THE BEACH AT SCHEVENINGEN | Zeuner, Jonas -- Vuurgevecht aan de Vaartse Rijn bij Jutphaas op 9 mei 1787 | HOME |