Giovanni Boldini (07)
Giovanni Boldini (07)

Giovanni Boldini (07)

Giovanni Boldini (07)

Giovanni Boldini (07)

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| Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci06 | Follower of Sodoma - The Nativity with the Infant Baptist and Shepherds | Carlo Maratti -- Madonna and Child with infant John the Baptist | Schoeff, Johan Pietersz. -- Riviergezicht, 1631 | Correa de Vivar, Juan-Martirio de San Esteban-98 cm x 71 cm | Moretto da Brescia - An Adoring Angel | Bassano, Francesco-Abril (Tauro)-153 cm x 248 cm | Jean-Francois Millet39 | Claude Monet 155 | Meester van de Vorstenportretten - Portrait of Lodewijk van Gruuthuuse | HOME |