Italian, Florentine - Portrait of a Lady
Italian, Florentine
Portrait of a Lady

Italian, Florentine - Portrait of a Lady

Italian, Florentine - Portrait of a Lady

Italian, Florentine - Portrait of a Lady

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| Bayeu y Subias, Ramon-El choricero-222 cm x 106 cm | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas170 | Attributed to the Master of the Magdalene Legend, Netherlandish (active Brussels), active c. 1480-c. 1520 -- Portrait of Philip the Fair | Sandrart, Joachim von -- Officieren en andere schutters van wijk XIX in Amsterdam onder leiding van kapitein Cornelis Bicker en luitenant Frederick van Banchem, 1640 | Jan Brueghel the Elder-1 (22) | Sir James Mackintosh by Sir Thomas Lawrence | Michelangelo- (77) | Hercules Brabazon (1821 - 1906) (British)-Mountain Landscape | pital-Camfrout, Brittany | David Vinckboons - Country Fair | HOME |