Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - April
Italian, Venetian
The Labours of the Months

Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - April

Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - April

Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - April

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| The Blue-eyed Boy | Hans Memling--The Annunciation II | Mihaly Munkacsy--The Music Room | Sebastian Vrancx -- Pillage of a Village | Lorenzo Monaco - Adoring Saints - Right Main Tier Panel | Pierre-Auguste Renoir - La Yole | Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench Los Mayos | Frank W. Benson--Portrait of a Lady | Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) -- Virgin of the Annunciation | Landscape with Trees and Figures | HOME |