Leonardo da Vinci - The Leonardo Cartoon
Leonardo da Vinci
The Leonardo Cartoon

Leonardo da Vinci - The Leonardo Cartoon

Leonardo da Vinci - The Leonardo Cartoon

Leonardo da Vinci - The Leonardo Cartoon

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| Humphrey Henchman by Sir Peter Lely | Massys, Quentin-La Virgen Maria-44 cm x 35 cm | Francois Guerin (before 1751 - after 1791) (French)-Woman Readin | Pieneman, Nicolaas -- Luitenant-generaal Frederik Knotzer in de slag bij Houthalen, gedurende de Tiendaagse Veldtocht, 1831 | Varallo, Tanzio da-David con la cabeza de Goliat-75 cm x 60 cm | Charles William de la Poer Beresford, Baron Beresford by Charles Wellington Furse | Alabert, Santiago-Florero con rosas y flor de almendro-42 cm x 30 cm | Hugh Latimer from NPG | John Constable119 | Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - February | HOME |