Michelangelo- (102)
Michelangelo- (102)

Michelangelo- (102)

Michelangelo- (102)

Michelangelo- (102)

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| Frederic Leighton (46) | JOSEPH CHRISTIAN- (27) | Leonardo, Jusepe-Alarico, rey godo-205 cm x 118 cm | George Stubbs - The Milbanke and Melbourne Families | Julien Muere--Drawing Room of the Plas | Charity | Pijnacker, Adam -- Landschap met vee, 1649-1653 | Snayers, Peter-El Sitio de Gravelinas-188 cm x 260 cm | Cavedone, Giacomo-Adoracion de los pastores-240 cm x 182 cm | Tailors and the Mannequin, 1935 | HOME |