Michelangelo- (67)
Michelangelo- (67)

Michelangelo- (67)

Michelangelo- (67)

Michelangelo- (67)

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| PIERRE BONNARD-LE PETIT DEJEUNER | Camille Corot--Portrait of a Child | Gaspard Dughet - Imaginary Landscape with Buildings in Tivoli | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo--Apollo Standing in His Chariot | Antonis Mor -- The Dwarf of Cardinal | Auguste Renoir -The Blue River | Brueghel el Viejo, Jan-Los Archiduques de caza-135 cm x 246 cm | Giacomo Ceruti - Portrait of a Priest | Zurbaran, Francisco de-Hercules luchando con Anteo-136 cm x 153 cm | John Hoppner - The Ladies Sarah and Catherine Bligh, c.1790 | HOME |