Paul Signac - In the Time of Harmony- The Joy of Life--Sunday by the Sea
Paul Signac
In the Time of Harmony- The Joy of Life
Sunday by the Sea

Paul Signac - In the Time of Harmony- The Joy of Life--Sunday by the Sea

Paul Signac - In the Time of Harmony- The Joy of Life--Sunday by the Sea

Paul Signac - In the Time of Harmony- The Joy of Life--Sunday by the Sea

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| Nicolas Poussin -- Moses Saved from the Waters of the Nile | attributed to Francesco Allegrini--Two Horses | Peter Paul Rubens250 | John William Godward (49) | Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist | Lodovico Mazzolino - Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery | Felice Torelli--Death of Saint Peter Martyr | Auguste Renoir--Marguerite-Therese (Margot) Berard (1874-1956) | Breitner, George Hendrik -- De Prinsengracht bij de Lauriergracht, Amsterdam, 1880-1923 | Vincenzo Foppa, Italian (active Milan), born 1427- 30, died 1515-16 -- Virgin and Child before a Landscape | HOME |