Peter Paul Rubens - A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape
Peter Paul Rubens
A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape

Peter Paul Rubens - A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape

Peter Paul Rubens - A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape

Peter Paul Rubens - A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape

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| Anonimo (Taller de Cuyp, Benjamin Gerritsz.)-Adoracion de los pastores-81 cm x 65 cm | Walraven, Isaac -- Het sterfbed van Epaminondas, bevelhebber van het Thebaanse leger in de strijd tegen Sparta, 1726 | Claude Monet 143 | Giovanni Martino Spanzotti - Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and John the Baptist | Giaquinto, Corrado-La Justicia y la Paz-216 cm x 325 cm | Boulogne, Valentin de-El martirio de San Lorenzo-195 cm x 261 cm | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn022 (3) | Eyck, Gaspar van-Marina-87 cm x 118 cm | Pieter de Hooch (1629-1684) -- Interior with a Mother Feeding a Child | Giovanni Boldini (72) | HOME |