George Meredith by William Strang
George Meredith by William Strang

George Meredith by William Strang

George Meredith by William Strang

George Meredith by William Strang

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| Johann Baptist II. Lampi - Portrait of Prince Johann I von Liechtenstein (1760-1836), 1816 | Giovanni di Pietro, also called Nanni di Pietro, Italian (active Siena), first documented 1432, died before 1479 -- The Marriage of the Virgin | Italian, Venetian - The Labours of the Months - October | Hieronymus Bosch (09) | Giuseppe Maria Crespi -- Woman with a Flea | Goya--Provincial Dance, from Images | Anders Zorn061 | Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Peeter Stevens | Unknown man, formerly known as James Cook from NPG | Thomas Gainsborough, English, 1727-1788 -- Landscape with Rustic Lovers, Two Cows, and a Man on a Distant Bridge | HOME |