Workshop of Sandro Botticelli - The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist
Workshop of Sandro Botticelli
The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist

Workshop of Sandro Botticelli - The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist

Workshop of Sandro Botticelli - The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist

Workshop of Sandro Botticelli - The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist

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| The Rocks 1888 | Borch, Gerard ter (II) -- Interieur met drie figuren die met elkaar in gesprek zijn bekend als De vaderlijke vermaning, 1653-1655 | Marcantonio Franceschini - Venus and Adonis Hunting, 1692-1709 | Tethart Philip Christian Haag - Orang-utan from the Zoo of Stadholder Willem V | Philippe de Champaigne and studio - Triple Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu | Snayers, Peter-Toma de Ypres-184 cm x 263 cm | Gustave Dore -- Gathering of the herd | Abraham Raguineau - Portrait of a Young Man in Grey | Caulery, Louis de-La Crucifixion-75 cm x 56 cm | Attributed to Piero di Cosimo--Bust of a Young Woman | HOME |