the Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths - A Female Head
the Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths
A Female Head

the Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths - A Female Head

the Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths - A Female Head

the Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths - A Female Head

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| After Jean-Antoine Watteau - Perfect Harmony | Ilya Yafimovich Repin43 | Gaspare Traversi--Teasing a Sleeping Girl | Eugene Fromentin, French, 1820-1876 -- Arabian Shepherd (Shepherd- High Plateau of Kabylia) | Borch, Gerard ter (II) -- na 1728 | Eyck, Nicolaas van (I) -- Infanteriegevecht bij een brug, 1627-1679 | Alexandre Cabanel--Echo | Guido Reni (1575-1642)-The Virgin with the Christ Child | Arentsz Arent -- Vissers en boeren, 1625-1631 | Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (Copia)-Vieja hilando-61 cm x 51 cm | HOME |