A Pair of Shoes
A Pair of Shoes

A Pair of Shoes

A Pair of Shoes

A Pair of Shoes

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| Peder Balke - Lighthouse on the Norwegian Coast | Georges Seurat11 | Follower of Sandro Botticelli - A Lady in Profile II | Wouwerman, Pieter -- Frederik Hendrik bij de overgave van Maastricht, 22 augustus 1632 | Sir Josiah Child, Bt by John Riley | Johannes Moreelse - Democritus, the Laughing Philosopher | South German Painter--The Annunciation | Engebrechtsz., Cornelis -- Het tweede bezoek van Christus aan het huis van Maria en Martha, 1515-1520 | aelbert cuyp045 | Gustave Courbet, French, 1819-1877 -- Still Life with Apples and a Pear | HOME |