Gilbert Sheldon by Sir Peter Lely
Gilbert Sheldon by Sir Peter Lely

Gilbert Sheldon by Sir Peter Lely

Gilbert Sheldon by Sir Peter Lely

Gilbert Sheldon by Sir Peter Lely

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Peter Paul Rubens643 | The Wharfe Valley, with Barden Tower beyond, 1867 (reproduction from Christie) | Brueghel, Jan The Elder (1568-1625) -- 11 | A Digger | Lorenzo Monaco - The Coronation of the Virgin | Netherlandish--A Sermon on Charity (possibly the Conversion of Saint Anthony) | Le Brun, Charles (Discipulo de)-El triunfo de Cesar-49 cm x 64 cm | Anton Mauve--Changing Pasture | After Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Virgin and Child with Saint Paul and Saint Franc | Thomas Fearnley - From Balestrand at the Sognefjord | HOME |