Alfred Sisley079
Alfred Sisley079

Alfred Sisley079

Alfred Sisley079

Alfred Sisley079

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| John Rubens Smith--Allan Melville | Style of Segna di Bonaventura - Crucifix | Etched by Stefano della Bella--St. John the Baptist Drawing Water from a Spring | Honore Daumier (1808-1879)-Tout ce qu on voudra Tiens | Girolamo Romanino - Saint Gaudioso | Isaac Levitan (10) | Gortzius Geldorp the Elder - The Penitent Mary Magdalen | Rosa, Salvator-Marina-170 cm x 260 cm | Giovanni di Pietro, also called Nanni di Pietro, Italian (active Siena), documented 1439-68, died before 1479 -- Virgin Returning to the House of Her Parents | Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson by Leonardo Guzzardi | HOME |