Claude Monet 013 (5)
Claude Monet 013 (5)

Claude Monet 013 (5)

Claude Monet 013 (5)

Claude Monet 013 (5)

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| Jean-Baptiste Oudry -- Pheasant, Hare, and Red Partridge | Antoine Le Nain (1588-1648), Louis Le Nain (1593-1648) or Mathieu Le Nain(1607-1677)-Last Supper | Luca Giordano - Saint Anthony of Padua restores the Foot of a Man | Bernardo Cavallino - Maria Lactans, c. 1650 | JOSEPH CHRISTIAN- (68) | Antonio Canal, called Il Canaletto - Canal View with the Ponte delle Guglie, the Palazzo Labia an | Oudry, Jean Baptiste-Don Jose de Rozas y Melendez de la Cueva | Velde, Esaias van de -- Het ponteveer, 1622 | Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn045 (2) | Attributed to Louis Binet--Costume Drawing Lady and Gentleman Dancing | HOME |