Claude Monet 020 (3)
Claude Monet 020 (3)

Claude Monet 020 (3)

Claude Monet 020 (3)

Claude Monet 020 (3)

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| Barthel Beham, German (active Nuremburg), c | Vincenzo Fanti, studio of - Portrait of Vincenzo Fanti, 1770-75 | Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti -- Paradise | Dirck Hals (1591-1656) -- Stroll in the Garden | Adam Pijnacker - Mountainous Landscape with Waterfall | Raffaello Santi08 (2) | Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Les Bords de la Seine a Argenteuil | Luca Signorelli - The Adoration of the Shepherds II | Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)-House at Auvers | Girl in the Woods | HOME |