Claude Monet 079 (2)
Claude Monet 079 (2)

Claude Monet 079 (2)

Claude Monet 079 (2)

Claude Monet 079 (2)

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| Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley by Paul Albert Besnard | Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Italian (active Venice), first securely documented 1508, died 1576 -- Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto | Morlaix, Entrance of the River-Paul Signac (French, Paris 1863-1935 Paris) | Albert Bloch - Winter in the Dead Wood, 1934-1938 | Munkacsy, Mihaly (1844 - 1900) (Hungarian)-Condemned Cell I | Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y-Cabeza de venado-66 cm x 52 cm | Aaron Draper Shattuck--Landscape with Cows | Paul Klee60 | Francois Joseph Kinsoen - Portrait of miss Kinsoen | George Caleb Bingham - Moss Prewitt, ca. 1855 | HOME |