Claude Monet 208
Claude Monet 208

Claude Monet 208

Claude Monet 208

Claude Monet 208

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| Gustav Klimt031 (2) | Antoine Coypel -- Athalia Driven from the Temple | Oosten, Izaak van-Paisaje con barcas-34 cm x 45 cm | John Constable133 | Briton Riviere--Pallas Athena and the Herdsman Dogs | Peter Paul Rubens261 | Aguero, Benito Manuel de-Paisaje con la salida de Eneas de Cartago-239 cm x 205 cm | William Fairfax, 3rd Viscount Fairfax of Emley Elizabeth (nee Smith), Viscountess Fairfax of Emley (later Lady Goodricke) by Gerard Soest | Geertgen tot Sint Jans -- De heilige maagschap, 1495 | Johann Michael Rottmayr - The admittance of military genius to Olympus, c. 1705 d1 | HOME |