El Greco0105
El Greco0105

El Greco0105

El Greco0105

El Greco0105

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| Sir David Baird, 1st Bt by Sir John Watson-Gordon | Auguste Renoir - Portrait of a Woman, called of Mme Georges Hartmann | Andrea di Bartolo, Italian (active Siena), first documented 1389, died 1428 -- Virgin and Child Enthroned | Alfred Sisley062 | William Etty--The Three Graces | Georges Seurat38 | Claude - Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba | Attributed to Richard Gainsborough Dupont--Mrs | Juanes, Juan de-La Ultima Cena-116 cm x 191 cm | Jan Davidsz. de Heem -- A Table of Dessert | HOME |