El Greco07
El Greco07

El Greco07

El Greco07

El Greco07

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Peter Paul Rubens316 | Martinus Rorbye - Entrance to an Inn in the Praestegarden at Hillested | Michelangelo- (57) | Edgar Hilaire Germain de Gas150 | El Greco--The Adoration of the Shepherds (2) | Peter Paul Rubens142 | Alfred Sisley104 | Ambrosius Benson (c. 1495-before 1550) -- Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara | Benjamin Marshall, English, 1768-1835 -- Favorite Chestnut Hunter of Lady Frances Stephens ne Lady Frances Pierrepont | Madrazo y Agudo, Jose de-Autorretrato-73,5 cm x 56 cm | HOME |