El Greco072
El Greco072

El Greco072

El Greco072

El Greco072

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Ploughed Field | Emanuel Leutze--Washington Crossing the Delaware | Michelangelo- (27) | Domenichino and assistants - Apollo pursuing Daphne | Edvard Munch6 | Joseph-Siffred Duplessis - Portrait of Madame Freret Dericour, 1769 | Giovanni Bellini (c.1433-1516) -- Christ Blessing | Workshop of Joachim Patinir - Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt | Momper, Jan de-Caceria de jabali-70 cm x 130 cm | Guido Reni - Bacchus and Ariadne | HOME |