El Greco077
El Greco077

El Greco077

El Greco077

El Greco077

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Only $99.85 (20x24 ins)

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| Oudenrogge, Johannes Dircksz. van -- Weverswerkplaats, 1652 | Jean-Baptiste Greuze - The Wool Winder, c. 1759 | George Inness--Autumn Meadows | Joseph Bidauld--The Bridge at La Cava, Kingdom of Naples | Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista -- Maria met kind, 1512-1517 | Weyden, Roger van der-La Piedad-46,8 cm x 34,5 cm | Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)-La Loge A Performance of Faust | Esquivel y Suarez de Urbina, Antonio Maria-Jose de Espronceda-72,7 cm x 56,2 cm | Queen Victoria First Visit to her Wounded Soldiers by Jerry Barrett | Coleus Plant in a Flowerpot, 1886 | HOME |