Frederick Childe Hassam1312
Frederick Childe Hassam1312

Frederick Childe Hassam1312

Frederick Childe Hassam1312

Frederick Childe Hassam1312

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| French - A Struggle in a Desert | Thomas Eakins, American, 1844-1916 -- A May Morning in the Park (The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand) | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-NU COUCHE, VU DE DOS, SUR FOND OCRE | Lorenzo Tiepolo, attributed to | Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi--The Triumph of Fame Impresa of the Medici Family and Arms | Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro), also called Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, Italianfirst securely documented by 1417, died 1455 -- The Dormition of the Virgin | Gypsy Woman with Baby | Rubens, Pedro Pablo (y taller)-Briseida devuelta a Aquiles por Nestor | Edouard Manet032 | Nicolaes Maes - A Woman scraping Parsnips, with a Child standing by her | HOME |