John Constable (93)
John Constable (93)

John Constable (93)

John Constable (93)

John Constable (93)

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| Sir Christopher Hatton from NPG | Bassante, Bartolomeo-Adoracion de los pastores-99 cm x 131 cm | Christen Kobke--Valdemar Hjartvar Kobke (1813-1893), the Artist Brother | Paul Gauguin--Still Life with Teapot and Fruit | Tiepolo, Giandomenico-El Descendimiento-124 cm x 142 cm | Mary Stevenson Cassatt, American, 1844-1926 -- Maternal Caress | Jan van Goyen - Fishermen hauling a Net | Diego Velazquez -- Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Pink Gown | John Fawcett by Sir Thomas Lawrence | Paul Klee119 | HOME |