John Reeves by Thomas Hardy
John Reeves by Thomas Hardy

John Reeves by Thomas Hardy

John Reeves by Thomas Hardy

John Reeves by Thomas Hardy

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| Bellevois, Jacob Adriaensz.-Galera turca y navio holandes frente a la costa-59 cm x 81 cm | PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR-UN DE DEUX PANNEAUX POUR | Jacopo Bassano il Vecchio (c.1510-1592) -- Deposition | Francesco Guardi--The Bucintoro Moving to the Left | Lucas Velazquez, Eugenio-El cazador-216 cm x 153 cm | Jacopo de Barbari - A Sparrowhawk | Caro, Francisco (Atribuido a)-La Santisima Trinidad-125,5 cm x 125,3 cm | George Romney - Henrietta, Countess of Warwick, and Her Children, 1787-1789 | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu with her son, Edward Wortley Montagu, and attendants by Jean Baptiste Vanmour | Correggio -- Allegory of Virtue | HOME |